Achieving goals with support

goalGoal setting should be like using a GPS (global positioning system) – you type in a destination, at every junction (or whenever there is uncertainty) you are told which way to go. If only!

As I said in Why haven’t you set goals?, just deciding on a destination is difficult enough. Most of us “drive” our lives without a clear destination, perhaps using a map for guidance, stopping off (or veering off) whenever something catches our attention. Or turn up at the airport (of life) and ask for a ticket to “anywhere” – or use vague destinations, like asking for a ticket to “Europe” or “America”.

The nearest comparable to using a GPS is having someone coach you. Coaching helps an individual, or organization, get to where they want to be. A coach will help you clarify and set goals, then keep yourself on track to achieve them. A coach, in the true definition of coaching, is not there to give advice or make suggestions.

Is it really necessary to go to the lengths of employing someone to help achieve goals? Do we need them to help us decide and define goals? We would be surprised if a top sportsman didn’t employ a coach – despite being seemingly very focused on clear goals.

Whilst in sport the definition of coach can include a training role as well, sports coaches are still coaching someone to do something they have seldom done themselves. For example few tennis or golf coaches have themselves won a major championship.

If you want to improve your performance in any field, and can afford it, employing a coach is a logical way forward. Whilst in theory goal setting is simple, the fact remains only a few of us even attempt it and those that do may have difficulty achieving what they want.

Having investigated moving from a purely therapist role to taking on coaching (and having done recent training in this respect) I speak from a somewhat biased position. Having floated questions last year querying the importance of goal setting, I’m find I’m increasingly reiterating their importance.

Whether or not people use coaches, the first step to get somewhere is to be clear about what you want – get your goals right. Everything flows from them.

And when you work towards your goals – get what help you can. It doesn’t have to be a coach. Being surrounded by support and encouragement will make a huge difference to your performance and success. A big reason for using a coach is it can be very hard to find support and encouragement – even from family and friends. They need coaching in how to coach you.
Photo by Xurble on Flickr

Nick Grimshawe February 26, 2008 at 6:33 am

Great post about goals. I do set them and try to make them as clear as possible but getting a coach could really help. I know even a coach for a course I took really helped clarify my goals. Also reading as much as you can on goals and goal setting works well too: such as reading this article.



Nick Grimshawe’s last blog post..RECOLLECTIONS … OF MY MOTHER, OF HER FLORAL SKIRT: By Noy

Robert @ reason4smile February 26, 2008 at 7:47 am

Hi David, I’d like to recommend to you and your readers the book DNA of Success by Jack M. Zufelt, the book discussed a lot about finding your core desire to be successful in life.

As what you said, the subtitle of the book also saying the same thing…
Know what you want to get what you want.

From knowing what you want, with persistence and what Jack said as conquering force, we’ll be able to get what we want. Thanks!

Robert @ reason4smile’s last blog post..To change or not to change

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